Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

6 questions on the Connect-EAB and service charge from 1 July 2023

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Gepost op 05-04-2023
door Danielle van der Peet

We are working with Floriday to create a future-proof marketplace for the floriculture sector. This means using the latest technologies to increase trading opportunities for growers and buyers. This also means phasing out technologies and services that no longer meet current technical standards, such as the Connect-EAB. In addition, we encourage digital trading through Floriday.

By 1 July 2023, there will be two changes for growers and buyers doing direct trade for this reason:

  • We ask growers to settle all direct trade via Floriday (in-screen or via the software package), eliminating the need to send a Connect-EAB. From 1 July, we will charge for using the old Connect-EAB.
  • No service charge will be charged to buyers if buyers place orders through Floriday and the same order is also settled by growers in or through Floriday. 

In this news item, we answer the 6 most frequently asked questions for growers and buyers:


1. What is a Connect-EAB?
The Connect-EAB is an Electronic Supply Letter that handles direct trade between a grower and buyer. Do not confuse this with the term 'Connect' that used to be used to do 'direct trade' with each other. The Connect-EAB is a delivery receipt that the grower sends to Royal FloraHolland to pay out direct trade to the grower. So it is not the same as direct trade, just the charging mechanism and the name for its technology.

2. Why are we saying goodbye to the Connect-EAB en move this to Floriday?
The Connect-EAB as a proof of delivery no longer meets the current technical standards required to efficiently, securely and quickly transact digitally. Royal FloraHolland has decided to say goodbye to this in due course and ask growers to create this proof of delivery in or via Floriday. We call this 'direct delivery' in Floriday. Growers can do this directly in Floriday's screens, but also via the software package that many growers use to handle direct orders. For this their software package must be linked to Floriday and provide their capability. Most software suppliers are now rolling this out and are expected to have it available to every grower by the end of April. So as soon as this is available you can request payment for your direct trade through Floriday. Then you no longer need to use Connect-EAB. You can view the status by software supplier on our website.

Completing a direct order digitally offers you as a grower more insight and trading opportunities; more insight into the status and handling of the order, more opportunities to include information with the order and use additional services such as stickers and adding covers. Also, handling via Floriday offers extra security compared to the Connect-EAB, as it complies with the most modern technologies and standards.

4. What does this mean for growers currently using the Connect-EAB?
Before the end of April, software packages will offer the option of handling direct delivery via Floriday. How exactly this works can differ from one software package to another. With this option, when creating the direct order or handling the delivery, Connect-EAB is no longer sent.
As of 1 July, will you still be using a Connect-EAB? If so, there will be a charge for this. We do this to cover the costs then incurred in maintaining the Connect-EAB system.

BUYERS - Service charge

4. What is the service charge?
Buyers pay a fee when they make purchases in direct trade through Royal FloraHolland. This is called the service fee. This fee has a graduated scale and becomes less as you purchase more. To remove the purchasing threshold on Floriday, we will abolish the service fee when purchases are made on supply via Floriday and the order is handled by the grower via Floriday.

Digital buying in or through Floriday makes it easy for buyers to retrieve the complete supply and order it for daily, term and contract trading. You'll also save on your logistics and administration through automatic invoice check, automatic submission and approval and up-to-date insight into the current order status. In addition, you can guarantee higher reliability for your customers through fast order processing for your webshop.

5. In what situations will there soon be no service charge for buyers?
To encourage trading through Floriday, vfrom 1 July, there will be no service charge for any transaction where the buyer places the order in or through Floriday. This order should also be handled by the grower in or via Floriday. That is, the buyer orders directly on the supply put online by the grower. This can be done directly in the screens, via the Floriday API link, VMP link, FloraMondo or FloraXchange. To avoid a service fee the grower must also handle the order in or through Floriday.

If your software package is linked via Floriday, FloraMondo or FloraXchange's API or VMP, then your orders will go through Floriday and you will be eligible for the service charge discount. Is your software package not linked yet? Please contact your software supplier. 

6. Consumers can no longer buy via mail, WhatsApp or telephone?
Buying via mail, WhatsApp, telephone, via a direct VMP/Florecom with grower or webshop, will of course remain possible. These orders do remain subject to the service charge. The service charge will also continue to apply if the grower creates a direct order in Floriday (for the buyer).


More information

On our website, you will find more information and more frequently asked questions about:

Do you have any questions on the above topics? Contact our support team via 0174-352070 and


Floriday is part of Royal FloraHolland

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