Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

Checks on lead times and minimum delivery quantities expanded further

2 minutes reading time
Gepost op 23-04-2024
door Laura Nowee

At the beginning of this year, we started a pilot scheme to check lead times and minimum delivery quantities set by the growers on Floriday. The number of growers involved is expanding continuously. If, as a grower or buyer, you have not yet set this up properly, orders may be rejected more frequently.

Improved security of delivery

Corrections were previously often needed where orders did not meet the specified lead time or minimum delivery quantity. This sometimes took up some time. This is no longer necessary now a validation step has been introduced. Ultimately, this offers buyers (and indirectly the growers) greater security of delivery for orders placed.

Ordering in time

For the lead time shown on Floriday, growers specify the latest that orders can be placed for delivery by a certain time. If buyers deviate from the lead time shown, orders will not be approved automatically, despite, for instance, meeting the minimum delivery quantity requirements. Currently, growers can still accept the order manually on Floriday up to the delivery time. If a grower decides not to respond, the order will eventually be cancelled.

Request: align delivery time slots

In this transition phase, growers and buyers are given the opportunity to align these delivery time slots properly. Is a particular order deadline still okay for this buyer? In which case, the grower can set (customer-specific) delivery conditions so that this becomes the default. What if the grower cannot meet this? Then it is important that the buyer starts respecting the proper lead times. This makes trading on Floriday clear and efficient for both parties.

Ordering the right quantity

Growers can set the minimum delivery quantity in the delivery conditions, which can even be set by delivery area. This means you can prevent orders being placed which are too small, and which you cannot or do not want to deliver. For the growers taking part in the pilot scheme, this is now also validated in Explorer and the API link. What if the quantity ordered for a particular delivery slot is below the minimum delivery quantity? Then the order will not be approved automatically. Here too, growers currently have the option to approve these manually, but eventually they will be rejected immediately. We give buyers several opportunities to increase the order quantity in order to meet the minimum quantity.

Would you like more information?

Do you have any questions about this new development? Or would you also like your minimum delivery quantity to stay the same and so be included in the checks? Contact our support team by calling 0174-352070 or emailing

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