Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

Gebr. Valstar: "Improved delivery reliability through correct application of delivery time sets"

3 minutes
Gepost op 06-05-2024
door Laura Nowee

At the beginning of this year, we started a pilot to check delivery times and minimum delivery quantities set by the growers. This was the wish from a group of growers. We spoke to Raimond Hagedoorn of Gebr. Valstar about his experiences.

Raimond has worked in the industry as a salesman for many years and has been closely involved in using Floriday in the nursery from the start. Raimond is constantly looking for opportunities to use Floriday in this regard and to hone it further. This is what we heard from several growers, including Gebr. Valstar, an increasing desire to have orders meet the minimum delivery quantity set by the grower.

Minimum delivery quantity pilot

Raimond: "Previously, there was no check on quantities from Floriday. We regularly received orders of a small quantity, such as one single plant. Even though the orders did not meet the minimum delivery quantity as we had set them, they still entered our system and we tolerated that the order did not meet the minimum size."

The desire from many growers is to check for this minimum delivery quantity in Floriday. Raimond: "From a business point of view, the old situation was actually not possible. The size of the order affects the cost price. By maintaining a standard in this, we can keep the price more stable." Maintaining proper delivery times also has an impact on maintaining the delivery terms as set by the grower. "Ultimately, by applying the delivery time sets correctly, delivery reliability improves and you work towards an orderly way of working."

Tailoring delivery sets to buyers

Gebr. Valstar is participating in the pilot in which validation on minimum delivery quantity and delivery time will be carried out. Raimond: "At the start of the pilot, quite a few orders ended up in the overview with 'Orders pending'. These orders were used to set up our own delivery terms completely properly. 95% was already well set up, but with some customer specific delivery conditions, we were able to make some adjustments to make sure everything ran smoothly. After that, we started approving fewer orders. We did get some questions from buyers about what was going on here. They were obviously used to something else. But after explaining, every buyer understands this. The conversation this generated with buyers was positive. That way, we can properly align the delivery time sets."

It works as it should

”Raimond: "I think it is a positive development that we are working towards a hard validation based on this. It is also positive that this conversation with the buyer is now taking place. Even through Floriday Messenger, we received a message from the buyer, after which we came to a solution that worked out well for both. We agree that it needs to work, as it should work. To make the habituation process among buyers even greater, it would be nice if the group of growers who work with this becomes larger and larger. At the end of the day, this is the world we are heading to anyway and it is good for the industry to work towards one central way of working."

"Nice to see buyers responding to this. Does a customer want a smaller quantity? For example, he now drives by himself when he is in the area and selects collection as the delivery location. My advice to buyers is to start reading up on the delivery time sets. It is also important for their own success. Ultimately, this optimises the process and further increases delivery reliability."

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