Kopers Blog

Exporter Viridivi started working with Floriday

5 minutes
Gepost op 27-07-2023
door Joyce van Galen

There is always room for new driven entrepreneurs in the floriculture sector. Franck Pohu founded the export company Viridivi three years ago. He exports products, including indoor and outdoor plants and cut flowers, to France from Naaldwijk. This year, Franck started working Floriday. He linked his software package to the Floriday API link. He tells us how the start went and what he finds, so practical about the platform.

Viridivi mainly sells its flowers to garden centres in France. Currently, they have about 120 active customers, most of whom are in Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux.Franck: 'Our ambition is to further expand our French customer base, but also to trade with other countries.'

Getting used to a new system

Viridivi has been buying through Floriday since March 2023. They previously purchased through FloraXchange. 'I had to get used to a completely new system that I had no knowledge of,' says Franck. 'I was also concerned whether the invoicing from Royal FloraHolland would be correct.' Fortunately, he got help with linking the software package and soon got to grips with the various functions. Everything is now running in real-time. Franck: 'Customer orders go directly to the growers via Floriday. Small orders are now combined into one larger one that is shipped in one go.'

Works quickly and easily

'Compared to other systems, I find Floriday much simpler in daily use.' Whereas previously, three or four buyers were needed, Franck can now (still) manage on his own. 'Corrections can also be made quickly, which makes the process very practical. Hopefully, there will be more demand for product per grower in the future, so fewer corrections will be needed for small orders. After all, one tray is not always enough.'

Fewer phone calls

Because everything is real-time, products that are no longer available in Floriday are not found in Franck's webshop either. 'I don't have to do anything for that. In the past, I had to make manual adjustments or make phone calls, which took a lot of time. Franck searches for supplies in the Floriday Explorer: 'Sometimes I want to know more about a product from a grower I am not connected to. Fortunately, the majority of growers respond quickly (90%).'

Useful for theme days

Working with Floriday also proved to be a godsend for the French Mother's Day: an important theme day for Viridivi. 'During public holidays, we have to offer a specific range, mainly arrangements. Now, I can easily select the products I want to show to my customers. Franck: 'I mark my favourites and load the selection, and that is immediately displayed in the webshop. It would be very helpful if all growers themed their products as well, especially for a day like Mother's Day!'

Overall view and time savings

With Floriday, Franck knows where he stands: 'I get what I order at the agreed price with the right packaging. Sometimes I buy at the auction clock and that is displayed immediately in my purchase orders in Floriday. It gives me an overall view and that works very nicely.'

Franck rarely has to make follow-up calls, which saves time. 'And when I call, I get valuable purchasing advice from growers.'

Floriday is part of Royal FloraHolland

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