Floriday-expert Blog

Floriday expert Paula | Corrections in Floriday: tips for growers and buyers

3 minutes reading time
Gepost op 04-12-2024
door Wendy Markus

In the 'Floriday expert' blog series, we discuss with Floriday employees various matters which are currently popular on Floriday. In this blog, Paula, Floriday Product Coach, explains more about amendments within the platform. Paula has some advice for working with amendments, for both growers and buyers.

Paula — Floriday Product Coach

“As a Floriday Product Coach, I help users find their way around Floriday. Product Coaches offer users support and advice if they have any questions or problems using Floriday.”


Corrections requests on Floriday

Correction requests are submitted when something is wrong with an order. Whoever receives the request has to approve it and, once approved, the correction is made. Buyer approval is not required where a grower has created an order themselves. Any user may submit a request, provided they have the appropriate permissions enabled. Corrections can be made within 90 days.

Submitting corrections

Whenever you submit an correction or cancellation request on Floriday and the other party approves it, the corrections are processed automatically on Royal FloraHolland's systems. Requesting corrections and cancellations has recently been expanded. You can now add a reason for the grower or buyer, plus a photo if you wish.

Corrections to orders placed via Veiling Rhein-Maas and Plantion

Corrections to, or cancellations of, incomplete orders can be submitted via Floriday. This means that the order has not yet been transferred to VRM or Plantion's systems. Growers who wish to cancel or amend an order should wait for the buyer's approval before proceeding with the order.

Corrections or cancellations cannot yet be submitted on Floriday for orders via Veiling Rhein Maas or Plantion which are complete (and the invoice issued). Corrections to, or cancellations of, these completed orders must be submitted through VRM or Plantion.

The following advice will help you submit corrections.

Advice for growers

Tip 1: Correct logistics supplies through completed deliveries

Certain corrections are possible through completed deliveries, such as number of layers or cage trolleys. To do this, open the delivery and click on the 'Change delivery' button at the top to amend the type of cage trolley and additional layers/shelves. Once saved, this is also updated on Royal FloraHolland's systems automatically.

Tip 2: Use the “Part-delivered orders” filter in the sales order list

In the sales order list you can filter on part-delivered sales orders. Tis lets you see if any inadvertent corrections or cancellations have not gone through properly, causing the invoice to be incorrect, or if perhaps there are still any outstanding (part) deliveries in the order history following an correction. By processing these now, the invoicing becomes correct again.

Tip 3: For a later upward revision to the number of barrels, process the outstanding delivery with additional barrels

If an order is complete and the number of barrels needs to be revised upwards, a part-order will show as outstanding. You can find these by unchecking “Hide expired deliveries” under deliveries outstanding. By clicking on the button at the bottom, you can see any outstanding orders and mark them as complete.

Advice for buyers

Tip 1: Use automatic approval (with certain growers)

The menu item Network allows buyers to set trade settings. You can set this to approve all correction requests automatically. This saves a lot of manual work. If you don't want to enable this automatically for all growers, but do want to set enable it for certain growers, then use the grower-specific settings to enable automatic approval for certain growers.

Tip 2: Resubmit expired requests

If a buyer submits an correction request and the grower does not respond in time, you can resubmit using the Corrections tab and the three dots next to the order to be amended or cancelled. If the grower still fails to respond, then it is best to contact the grower. You can easily start a chat to follow up on this on Floriday Messenger.

Tip 3: Turn on notifications for correction and cancellation requests

Make sure you have notifications from Floriday enabled for correction and cancellation requests. This means you will be notified immediately if a particular order does not proceed or if the order needs to be adjusted. You can also get specific notifications when an correction request is about to expire or when a grower has rejected or approved a request.

Want to know more about filing corrections?

Check this in the Helpcenter for growers or the Helpcenter for buyers.

Can't quite find your way around the Helpcenter? Or do you have other questions? Feel free to contact our support team by calling 0174-352070 or send an e-mail to

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