Kwekers Blog

Increasing visibility thanks to availability

3 minuten leestijd
Gepost op 02-12-2021
door Laura Nowee

Since a number of weeks, there is a new task displayed on the Floriday dashboard for the purpose of specifying the availability of trade items. If you have not done this already, a pop-up will be shown and we will ask you to fill it in. It is important to fill this in so that buyers can find the trade items when searching the catalog.   

Search for availability by buyers

The catalog for buyers is currently undergoing further development. Buyers can use this to search through all your trade items with the aim of putting together the assortment. This enables buyers to discover new growers and products and to select trade items. To make article selections for a specific period, the availability of trade items by period will also be searched for. For this reason, it is key that the availability period of all trade items in the catalog is correct.   

Availability versus supply

The availability indicates the period in which you expect the trade item to be available. A seasonal product, such as a tulip, will be available in the months of March through to May. In this case this relates to a general characteristic of a tulip. This is independent of the actual supply. By entering the expected availability, the trade item can be found in the catalog for the appropriate months.

Tip! Are there trade items in the catalogue that do not need to be visible to buyers? You can set this by turning off the "Show trade item" option. In this way, the trade item is no longer visible and you can easily set the regular availability of the product.

Reliable product information for buyers

All trade items for which availability has not been explicitly entered by leaving it at 'Year-round' are now set as 'unspecified'. For the findability of these trade items it is important to correctly set the availability. You can easily do this by filtering on 'unspecified', selecting several trade items at once and then filling in the availability on 'Year-round' or for certain weeks.  This is explained step by step in the Helpcenter

Increase your trade through complete product information

In order to benefit from Floriday and work together on reliable and complete supply, it is important to correctly set the product information on Floriday. Helpful features allow you to do this in a few clicks, instantly increasing your business and reach.

Floriday is part of Royal FloraHolland

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