Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

Minimum delivery quantity extended with delivery times

3 minutes
Gepost op 15-02-2024
door Laura Nowee

For several weeks now, with a small group of growers, the minimum delivery quantity has been enforced. Buyers who order below the minimum delivery quantity will receive a notification that the order is too small. We found in this journey that buyers do not always adhere to growers' delivery time sets. To be able to validate based on the minimum delivery quantity, we will soon implement a change in Floriday.

In the delivery time set in Floriday, a grower determines by when the order request needs to be placed for the order to be delivered at a certain time. Through the purchasing dashboard, the VMP link and the API link, buyers may order outside the delivery time sets. The buyer thereby deviates from the delivery time set as entered by the grower. What is new is that when an order is placed outside the delivery time set, we let the grower decide whether the order request can go ahead. Regardless of the quantity ordered, the grower has to manually accept it in order for the order request to go through anyway. The grower has until the delivery time to still accept this order request.

What do you notice about this as a grower and buyer?

The times by when the buyer has to order for delivery to happen before a certain point in time often relates to an agreement between grower and buyer.

  • If an order request lands in the overview for manual order approval, check the reason why it is here. Was the order request entered at the wrong time? Then the grower can request the buyer to retrieve or adjust the correct delivery time sets in its own system.
  • Is this ordering time okay for this buyer? Then the grower can add it to (customer-specific) delivery terms.

Working towards enforcing minimum delivery quantity and delivery times

To validate based on the minimum delivery quantity, this adjustment is required on the delivery times within Floriday. Eventually, we are working towards validating the minimum delivery quantity and delivery times as set by the grower. So in future, order requests that do not comply with this will be rejected immediately. We will provide targeted information to growers and buyers on this in a timely manner.

More information?

Do you have questions about this new development? Or do you also want your minimum delivery quantity to be maintained and measured? Contact our support team by calling 0174-352070 or e-mailing

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