Kopers Blog

Purchasing dashboard available to all buyers

3 minutes
Gepost op 16-02-2021
door Laura Nowee

Many buyers are already familiar with the new Floriday term ‘purchasing dashboard’, which you’ve probably come across yourself a number of times. From now on, this functionality is available to all buyers using Floriday. This means a brief explanation is in order: what exactly is the purchasing dashboard, and what can I do with it?

What is the purchasing dashboard?

The purchasing dashboard is the place displaying all the supply lines not matching grower's supply lines in Floriday. When no supply is retrieved from Floriday, it could be that you're submitting an order with a different price, packaging configuration or availability. The purchasing dashboard has been developed for buyers especially for this purpose. 

There are three situations in which orders come in without looking at the supply online, namely:

  • Florecom orders
  • Excel upload
  • Manual entry

How does the purchasing dashboard work?

The purchasing dashboard matches orders entered digitally with supply lines that growers have set in Floriday based on availability, price and packaging configuration. When there’s a match between your orders and the supply lines, an order is immediately created. This applies to around 80% of orders. The remaining 20% of the orders – those not matching – will be displayed in the purchasing dashboard. The following actions can be taken in Floriday for these lines not matching:

  • As a buyer, you can turn off a request to a grower whose order differs.
  • You can search for an alternative product from the same or from a different grower.
  • Or you can purchase from a grower based on a different price and/or packaging configuration. 

Tip: Add growers to your network before getting started with the purchasing dashboard. Once you have a connection with a grower, you can view the prices of the various growers, increasing the chances of a match with the supply. This makes things considerably easier.

Who is the purchasing dashboard intended for?

When a purchase occurs through direct purchasing or when supply is retrieved using the API link, ordering occurs on the supply that’s actually online. The purchasing dashboard is not required in that case. When an order comes in through Florecom or an Excel is uploaded, the purchasing dashboard means you can ensure the order meets your requirements as much as possible. If you have a specific requirement for a product not featured in the catalogue, you can enter your order manually.

Floriday is part of Royal FloraHolland

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