Since early 2025, several companies can present their supply in one shop in Floriday. Riza was the first sales organisation to use this functionality. We talked to Jim Penning, who is responsible for all digital processes at Riza.
Riza is a collective of six growers of flowering houseplants. Bromeliads, Orchids, Flamingo flowers and Spathiphyllum all find their way into chain stores, garden centres and florists across Europe. "For the customer, Riza is a professional communication partner, able to share all the necessary product and specialist knowledge on behalf of its member growers," says Jim. "As a collective, we are stronger. We can better respond to market developments and changing customer needs. Together, we have a wide product range and larger volumes, allowing us to offer increasingly data-driven advice. Added to which, the member nurseries share knowledge with each other, allowing them to progress faster in areas such as cultivation challenges and sustainability."
All under one name
The new functionality, where the supply of multiple growers can be presented in one shop in Floriday, is useful for growers working with multiple administration numbers. And of course for sales organisations like Riza. For each item, the grower chooses whether to sell it on behalf of the sales organisation or under its own name. "We have agreed with our growers that everything will be sold under the Riza name," Jim says. "We ensure that the supply is presented in a professional manner. And we offer transparency to buyers, enabling them to do business with only one party for different products."
Communication with buyers
Handling of orders is still done simply through the growers. Jim: "For buyers, it takes getting used to the fact that they no longer see the name of the grower, but the name Riza. As Riza, we have made every effort to provide buyers with the best possible personalised information. In the meantime, cooperation with buyers is running smoothly and they also understand the new way of working."
New version of Shop for Growers
The development within Floriday is linked to a new version of Shop for Growers. For example, items can now be added to multiple collections, and both individual items within collections and entire collections can be highlighted. "The shop now looks more attractive. I especially like the highlighting of items, which allows you to direct buyers to certain supply. You can also personalise things within the collections, such as the order. We can now fully customise the supply to customer needs."
Central management
For Riza, it is also an advantage that all (contract) agreements are in one fixed place. Jim: "We use the contract module a lot. The fact that everything is in one place and we can manage it centrally is nice in view of customer-specific agreements. A customer now no longer needs to select additional services separately; they are automatically added to the order. The benefits of Floriday are now also felt in our new sales organisation. For us, this provides a central place to display our supply. In doing so, we aim for 100% Floriday. Our goal is to fully automate order flow. Soon, we will be looking at the possibilities of adding Track & Trace information to our orders as well.'