Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

Third Floriday Wish Week 2023: work even faster with these handy new options

3 minutes
Gepost op 24-08-2023
door Laura Nowee

In 2023, we are organising a quarterly Wish Week: last week it took place again! To select these wishes, we look at the number of thumbs up given on the wishes. A total of 26 wishes from growers and buyers were developed in Floriday. In this article, we highlight some of them. In the Helpcenter, you will find a detailed explanation of all the new developments (growers - buyers).

Which wishes are we picking up this week?

Every week, growers and buyers post wishes on Floriday's interactive roadmap. Most of the wishes tie in with larger themes coming up in our development planning. (Smaller) wishes also remain. We pick up these wishes during Wishes Week.

New options for growers

Setting characteristics in catalogues

When creating a new article, you fill in the mandatory characteristics and can add additional characteristics manually. It is now possible to pin characteristics so that they also appear in the list by default when adding a new item. So you can add the features you use often by default.

Set timer for catalogue prices

When you put supply online in catalogue prices, you can work with availability timers. A common wish is to be able to set this timer for specific customers. This is possible from now on!

Relatively raising or lowering prices on requests, offers and purchase tips

With this new development, you can easily select all items in a request, offer or purchase tip and increase or decrease them by a certain amount or percentage.

Drop delivery charges when quantity ordered

You can now drop the delivery charge on an ordered number of load carriers, where previously this was only possible for a certain amount. 

Check the Helpcenter for all developments for growers

New options for buyers

Filter on multiple FPC groups

It is now possible in the Explorer to search multiple FPC groups simultaneously. This makes it easy to search for the products you want.

Stored filters per person

In the previous Wish Week, it became possible to save filter sets so that you can easily repeat a search. You can now also show only your own saved filters. 

Direct bidding

It was already possible to receive a notification when a bid was accepted. This notification is now also available for notification that a bid has not been accepted.

Check the Helpcenter for all developments for buyers

Countdown to the next Wishes week

Do you have any other wishes? Put them on the roadmap and/or make sure they receive enough votes. Tip: Share the link to the wish on the roadmap to get extra votes!

More information


Floriday is part of Royal FloraHolland

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