Growers and buyers are working daily to make the sector future-proof. Growing and trading sustainable flowers and plants is an important part of this. Certification allows you as a grower to be transparent about how you grow your flowers and plants. Floriday offers growers various options for communicating their certifications to buyers. Read on for some useful tips.
Communicating certifications
The starting point for growers to display certifications is your profile page. This is where your certificates are displayed and where you can provide additional information about the certificates within your company, such as in your ‘Bio’, for example. This can be done by text, but also by posting a video about your company (or a link to it). Just make sure you have your profile page set to 'public' so it is visible to buyers.
You can also find a list of the certificates that Floriday has about your company under Organization > Certificates. These are automatically retrieved from Floricode and displayed on the public profile page. Buyers can also see these by clicking on the company name. Do you tender on the clock? Then your certificates will also be displayed on the Clock Letter under the barcode.
Are you not yet (fully) certified, but want to know more? Then take a look at the Royal FloraHolland information page.
Or this message on Royal FloraHolland page about FSI-compliant certification.
Understanding certification and the capabilities of Floriday for buyers
If you work as a buyer in Floriday's screens and/or through the API, Floriday will provide you easy access to growers' certifications. If there are changes relating to the grower, you as a buyer will always see the most up-to-date information for your purchasing selections.
In addition to certificates, you can also consult the plant passport, provided the grower has recorded this information. This is where you will find more information about, for example, the traceability code and country of origin.
In the Explorer, as a buyer, you have the option of filtering for one or more certificates. The Explorer, will, for example, show all certified growers and products.
New! Since the beginning of this year, it has been possible to view certificates held by the growers in the ‘details dialog’ article. This way, you can see at a glance from the Explorer and Direct Purchasing which certificates apply to a product, which is useful when placing an order.
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