Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

Direct Bidding started 5 April!

2 minutes
Gepost op 05-04-2022
door Laura Nowee

On Tuesday April 5th, a new way of trading went live in the Floriday screens: Direct Bidding. With Direct Bidding, buyers and growers can trade with each other through online bidding. A first group of growers has started and Direct Bidding supply is open to all buyers.

Trading by bidding

Direct Bidding is a new way of trading with which we want to give buyers and growers an extra opportunity to increase and simplify trading. With Direct Bidding, buyers and breeders can trade with each other easily through bidding. Buyers can buy offers from growers directly by bidding the asking price immediately or by making a counter bid. With a counterbid, the deal is closed as soon as the grower accepts the bid.

First group of over 40 growers

The first group of growers started using Direct Bidding on April 5th. Growers who are interested could register as an early-access user and more than 40 growers did so. They are the first to gain access and can already make use of the Direct Bidding functionality. This provides valuable feedback and points of improvement before it is further rolled out. Buyers do not have to register specifically; Direct Bidding can be used by all buyers in the Floriday screens.

Want to start with Direct Bidding?

If you are a buyer, you can start today: you can find the offer under Purchasing -> Direct Bidding. For growers, we are going to open up Direct Bidding step by step on registration. Are you a grower and do you also want to start with Direct Bidding? Register here, and you will be one of the next growers to use Direct Bidding.

Floriday is part of Royal FloraHolland

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