Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

The five most common tips given during a CheckUp for growers

2 minutes
Gepost op 14-03-2022
door Joyce van Galen

More and more growers are signing up for a CheckUp. During a personal consultation (online or on location*) with a Floriday expert, the main focus is on your specific needs. You receive tips on how to set up Floriday more efficiently. 88 growers have already benefited from this service. Which tips do growers most appreciate? Read about them below, as they are probably helpful to you too! 

Create visible offers

Draw attention to your supply or specific trade items by creating offers for buyers. You can easily select customers for offers based on a price group or a customer tag. Or you can allow all customers in Floriday to take advantage of an offer by ticking the box ‘all customers’. Share the link to the offers with your connections and in this way send them straight to Floriday. 

Work with templates faster

Do you often sell mixed and large batches? In the updated auction function, you’ll save time by using templates. Templates allow you to save a composition of a form and use it again later. The next time you create an auction delivery, the right characteristics and data are already filled in and all you have to do is check them. That will save you time.

Update your photos and packing configurations in an instant

Make sure you regularly check that your photos and packing configurations are still up to date. We have two useful shortcuts to help you with this, namely photo management and packing configuration management. With photo management, you can quickly see an overview of all the photos linked to trade items. This means you no longer have to view the trade items individually. You can quickly and easily edit and delete photos and set the photo type (e.g. standard, marketing, auction images). The same goes for packing configurations. In packing configuration management, you can instantly view a full overview of all types of packing configurations per trade item and you can quickly edit, delete and add them etc.

Present your supply in an attractive shop

Have you not yet activated your shop? The Floriday experts can help you with this, so you can present your supply online and increase your potential sales. Do justice to your supply by organising your shop intelligently. Create collections and offers, which will be more prominently featured. The shop also provides you with marketing opportunities. For example, invite potential customers to take a look at your shop via Floriday at my shop > marketing. Share your shop link in your email signature and on your website and inform buyers about it.

Let the system work for you

As a grower you can use the availability filters next to the catalogue prices to set which buyers you want each trade item to be available to or not as the case may be. Within batch prices, you can use stock location filters to set the offered percentage per customer. This allows you to determine which buyers can order which trade items from you. 

More information:

* You can receive advice in the manner that you prefer: custom advice in an online video call or - depending on your location - a visit from a Floriday expert at your location.

Floriday is part of Royal FloraHolland

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